Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010


My hard-workin' husband got to cut work on Saturday so we packed a lunch and set off on a nice, relaxing, 3-hour hike to Laie Falls.  The sign said it was an hour and a half hike...ahaha..apparently we're not cut out for this hiking business.  
We wanted to invite our friendly neighbors, but I guess they were having a bad day so we decided to go it alone.

Just some good old routine stretching before the hike.  I made fun of Jared for doing this and refused to participate, guess who ended up with the sprained ankle.  Him.  

The falls were kind of small, but we loved relaxing and re-fueling up there.  The view was so pretty, we couldn't believe how high we went! 
It was such a fun day together, and we'll do it again just as soon as we forget how miserably hard it was.

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