If anyone is deserving of the sacred title of "Mother", it's Caitlin. She has prepared for motherhood her whole life. That was evident to me before we ever even dated. Motherhood has always been her greatest talent. She was officially given the opportunity to show off that talent just under a year ago when we were introduced to our perfect son. I won't be so presumptuous to say that no one has loved their child more than Caitlin, but I've been around long enough to know mothers like her aren't easy to come by.
Today (much to her distaste) she may have the outward appearance of a young woman who, for whatever reason, is waiting/choosing not to have children, but nothing is farther from the truth. She may not be invited to many play dates in the park, and doesn't always share in the baby dialogue between the other young mothers in the ward, but to anyone who knows Caitlin at all knows that she is very much a mother... and a great one. If every child had a mother with a fraction of the love and devotion that Caitlin has for Holden, the world would be a much better place than it is.

Those mothers who know Caitlin and what she's been through, tend to squeeze their child a little tighter than they would otherwise. They'll exercise a bit more patience when their kid fusses and whines, and keeps them up at night. These mothers cherish the moments that their child cries incessantly, because they know that it's a blessing that their child is able to get a cry out at all. These mothers are a little less frustrated when there's yet another diaper to change. These mothers wouldn't ever take their child for granted because they know that for some, these experiences aren't granted.

Even though Holden isn't physically around, Caitlin has demonstrated every ounce of devotion that he would have gotten if he were. Not a day goes by without Caitlin visiting Holden's grave, talking to him, singing him primary songs, kissing the grass that grows a few feet over his head. Not a night goes by that she doesn't fervently pray for Christ's return. I know of no one who looks forward to the Millennium like Caitlin does. What an honor it will be to stand with Caitlin at that time because there will not be many people quite as radiant as she when she has Holden back in her arms.
It's little wonder that a perfect little boy like Holden was entrusted to a mom like Caitlin.