Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Marker

Things have been getting a little tense for us as we've waited all summer for Holden's grave marker to arrive. We leave Saturday for Hawaii to finish school and we were going to be pretty distraught if we had to leave without being around to see it put in.  With only a couple of days to spare, the marker has arrived and we were able to be there as they put it in. We're way pleased with the way it turned out. Cait and I already bought the plot next to him and we've requested the same granite/bronze/border theme for ours (so everyone knows, in case the good Lord were to take us together). 

We got to keep the vinyl paper from the temporary one as a keepsake. We loved that people were able to read about him and see his picture and so we're kind of sad to take it away. We're wanting to make a similar stand for it that we can put in one of the flower pots.

We love it, and we think he does too. As I sat staring at it from the shade of the maple tree I felt like he was there with us to see it. 

If you're ever in the Bountiful area we'd be happy if you paid him a visit while we are away. Let us know and we'll help you find him.

1 comment:

Shawntae @ alittlekingandi said...

My grandfather who raised me is at that same one. I would be happy to visit your sweet boy.

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