Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 7 - 05.26.2012

As things in the NICU grew more difficult to handle, support grew stronger from family, friends, strangers, and Heaven. Holden was not recovering from the surgery. He had a distended bowel, was in need of nutrients, and became anemic from all the blood draws and tests. Several multi-hour attempts were made to put in a PICC line (a longer term IV) before a team finally succeeded. Holden was given a blood transfusion to restore the blood he had lost from the tests.
The overwhelming heartache we were feeling for Holden was counter-balanced by the overwhelming amount of love and encouragement extended to us through prayers, fasts, texts, calls, and social media. Even the nurses who worked on or near Holden would often tell us how special they thought he was. Apart from these sources of strength, God somehow arranged for one of us at a time to have the capacity to care for the other. Caitlin and I would practically take turns having emotional meltdowns while the other would encourage and uplift. Each of us has acknowledged that we would not have been able to function otherwise.

“To be cheerful when others are in despair, to keep the faith when others falter, to be true even when we feel forsaken—all of these are deeply desired outcomes during the deliberate, divine tutorials which God gives to us—because He loves us. These learning experiences must not be misread as divine indifference. Instead, such tutorials are a part of the divine unfolding.” -Neal A. Maxwell

1 comment:

Carley said...

Love you both, and that perfect baby boy! Thanks for being such an amazing example, and for your uplifting words. You are seriously amazing! Miss you.

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